What do I do with my hands?

This is the number one question that my clients ask or tell me about, the hands. Where do they go? Is it weird that they’re tense and I suddenly don’t know how to move them? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one! Here are some of the trick I have learned through trial and error.


Keep it casual and comfy

Let's take out the pressure of getting your photo taken by keeping it casual and comfy to get the nerves out. Create a triangle shape with your arm which draws the attention toward your face. If you bring your elbow up while keeping this shape, it elongates the body making you appear taller. The second hand is relaxed on the thigh or in the pocket creating the sense of comfortability.

The Power Pose

To get this one I told them to think of a power pose that takes up space. By taking a wide stance or bring your chin up slightly can make boost the confidence. What does your power pose look like?


Here’s your confident boost for your next photo session


Queer Joy - The Right Photos


Fall Photos at Applehill